Almanac Calendar - Historical Weather Chart

  • Almanac Calendar - Historical Weather Chart
100$5.82 $4.95 each
200$4.42 $3.76 each
300$3.7 $3.15 each
500$3.31 $2.81 each
750$3.1 $2.64 each
1000$2.88 $2.45 each
2000$2.62 $2.23 each
3000$2.54 $2.16 each
This weather chart calendar is an eight-sheet-style. These pad sheets are printed on both sides as is customary on this type of calendar.

We offer a choice of two top sheets featuring Independence Hall with the Liberty Bell or the Signs of the Zodiac. At the top of each pad sheet is a scenic picture in black with changing information on both sides. These pictures change each month or may be eliminated upon request.

Product Size
11-1/2" x 19"

23 lbs. per 100

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
• Ad Copy Size: 10" x 5 " without pictures (Option A) or 10" x 2-1/2" with pictures (Option B)
• Ad Copy: Prints in Black ink.
• Absolute Minimum: 100
• Copy Change: not available

Valuable information includes:
• Worldwide time difference chart
• Moon rise, moon set times daily
• Planting table for crops grown in the U.S.
• Quantity of seed per acre chart
• Weight of grain & produce per bushel chart
• Weights and measures tables
• Sunrise, sunset times daily
• Daily weather forecasts
• Fire prevention tips
• Eclipse data
• First aid chart
• Calorie counter
• Moon phases